June 30, 2023

Mr. Tobin Rockley
C/O Rockley Family Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 17930
Golden, CO 80402-6035

Dear Mr. Rockley:

Thank you and Rockley Family Foundation, Inc. for your donation of $10,000.00 to Dillard University. Your donation was designated to the College of Humanities. We are extremely grateful for your generosity.

Our mission states the university “cultivates leaders who live ethically, think and communicate precisely, and act courageously to make the world a better place.” Our students do not acquire knowledge alone; they also develop compassion and high ethical standards. They think critically, but they do not stop at thinking; they act to turn their dreams into reality. In doing the work they are called to do, they do not choose the easy path over the right path. Instead, their commitment to excellence and integrity makes their work resilient by inspiring others to join their cause.

Our motto, “Ex Fide, Fortis,” translates “From Faith, Strength.” It is this faith that keeps our vision clear, our hearts full, and our actions confident and deliberate, as together we transform the world into the world that it should be.

Again, thank you for your continued support of our students. If you have any questions regarding your donation, please contact Sylvia J. Brown, Gift Accountant at (504)816-4580 or sj.brown@dillard.edu.


Stephanie K. Rogers
Executive Vice President

Please retain this document for your tax records. In accordance with I.R.S. guidelines, no goods or services were provided to you in exchange for this contribution.

Click here to view the full letter.