August 8, 2023

Rockley Family Foundation
Attn: Tobin Rockley
PO Box 17930
Golden, CO 80402-6035

Dear Tobin,

Many thanks for your generous gift to the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) students. On behalf of CSN, our students and faculty, thank you for your gift of $10,000.00 on July 29, 2023, to help purchase instruments for students majoring in Music. Through your gift, you are supporting the CSN Foundation mission to create debt free graduates through philanthropy.

The Foundation, with your support, provides CSN students and faculty with funds that change lives, shape our community, and transform Nevada. Your gift makes a difference to individual students and is helping build the future workforce of Nevada.

We thank you for joining us in our commitment to serving students of all ages from a variety of backgrounds. Our students and faculty succeed at CSN because of your generosity.

Best wishes,

Dr. Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada

Danita M. Simons
Executive Director
CSN Foundation

The Donor received no goods or services in exchange for this donation. College of Southern Nevada Foundation, Inc. – Tax ID 94-2889696

Click here to view the full letter.