University of Northern ColoradoThe Rockley Family Foundation has partnered with the School of Music of the University of Northern Colorado to provide the use of new first-class pianos and digital pianos at no-cost the 2015-2016 school year. As the school year comes to a close, a public piano sale will be held on campus in Frasier Hall to raise funds to perpetuate this valuable program.

Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase instruments that are less than one-year old and come complete with a new factory warranty and are tuned up and ready to go. A large selection of grands, baby grands, digital player grands, upright pianos, digital pianos, keyboards and orchestral stringed instruments will be available from such famous makers as Steinway & Sons, Yamaha, Pramberger, Baldwin, Seiler, Knabe, Roland, Kurzweil, Stravari Fine Violins and many others.

Arrangements for delivery and no-interest financing is available on-site. Moreover, in most cases, a “substantial portion” of your purchase is considered as a charitable contribution to the Rockley Family Foundation and may be

Attend the piano sale:

  1. BY APPOINTMENT: You are invited to attend a special “private-sale” on Thursday, May 12, Friday, May 13 and the morning of Saturday, May 14 along with our faculty and staff, prior to the general public. This appointment will give you an opportunity to purchase with priority in selection and price reductions. To secure a time call: (970) 302-5702
  2. PUBLIC SALE: You may attend the final sale day on Saturday, May 14, from 2:00 – 6:00 P.M., without an appointment.

For more information about the University Northern Colorado 2016 Instrument Sale, call (970) 302-5702.