
We accomplish our mission by raising money for music scholarshipsdonation of musical instruments to under privileged individuals and donating of the use of musical instruments to the music educational community.

We’re proud to have had a significant impact on music education. Since 2009, more than $22 million worth of donations have gone to deserving non-profit organizations and educational institutional partners throughout the United States. Our donations are mostly in the form of instrument loans, instrumental donations and cash/scholarships.

Our commitment to music education is our driving force. We’re grateful to be able to further that mission through our work. Our impact has been felt across the country and beyond.

We always need and welcome charitable contributions, here’s how you can help our mission.

Monetary Donations

Your contribution can go to raising money for music scholarships, the acquisition of musical instruments for the under privileged, and the acquisition of musical instruments for the music educational community. There are a variety of ways that you can contribute monetary donations to the Rockley Family Foundation:



You can make a gift by calling (303)210-1571


You can write a check to the “Rockley Family Foundation” and mail it to:

Rockley Family Foundation
P.O. Box 17930
Golden, CO 80402-6035

Employer Gift Match: Double Your Donation!

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Contact your human resources manager for more information to maximize your gift.

Instrument Donations

The Rockley Family Foundation provides both the use and outright donation of musical instruments to dozens of partners. Each collaboration is unique and our support is individually tailored to maximize our impact.

Therefore, we are always looking for quality musical instruments donated by generous individuals who are no longer using them.  The Foundation can refurbish these instruments and provide them at no cost to individuals who would not otherwise have the resources to purchase them!

These donated instruments may be used by faculty and students for performance, practice, methods or to support outreach into the community.

Please contact our director, email or call (303)210-1571 for availability and donation information.